Convert ESD spend from a tax to a productive investment in your supply chain

Has Enterprise and Supplier Development become a domain of normalised pain and dormant value for you?

of B-BBEE spend is misallocated by corporates
0 %
of spend adds no value beyond B-BBEE points
0 %

* Data collected from engagements with B-BBEE consultants and leading corporates across various manufacturing sectors



How It Works

The Manufacturing Development Fund is an end-to-end Enterprise and Supplier Development facilitator, focused on finding and developing your future, local suppliers. Our methodology is aimed at securing your B-BBEE points whilst also enabling impactful projects and genuine commercial outcomes.

You’re In Good Company

Join a community of leading industrial enterprises who have partnered with the Manufacturing Development Fund to drive the localisation and transformation in South Africa’s industrial sector.


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Convert ESD spend from a tax to a productive investment

in your supply chain

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